Bunad silver Romerike lady

Romerike lady

When it comes to the silver of the Romerike Bunad, one won't need much. The silver is mainly copied, or based on, the silver from the 1700s. It is cast silver; this was the most common technique at the time. The filigree pattern didn't come into style in Norway until later on. (This is a fact many are unaware of!)

The heart brooch is celebrated in this Bunad, preferably a large one at the neck and a smaller one on the chest, both rich with symbols. It's common to use 3 pairs of fasteners on the waist piece, a purse clasp and cufflinks. Some desire a plaque belt as well, which may be available in a variety of colors, depending on the color of the Bunad. A ring and ear trinkets may also be added. The ear trinkets are not traditional as the wearing of them wasn't. But they look good anyway.

You are here: Romerike lady >> Bunad rings

Bunad ring no. 8 old gilded

Bunad silver Bunad ring no. 8 old gilded
The ring has got a motive from the heart brooch for the Romerike Bunad. The ring is open so it may be regulated to fit all fingers.

Bunad ring no. 8 oxidized

Bunad silver Bunad ring no. 8 oxidized
The ring has got a motive from the Heart Brooch for the Romerike Bunad. The ring is open so it may be regulated to fit all fingers.